Peter Vankevich, worked in the U.S. Copyright Office at the Library of Congress including being head of the Copyright Information Section for 16 years, and has been a freelance writer for the Hill Rag, Washington, D.C. He has a radio show called Theme Tunes on the Ocracoke community radio station WOVV 90.1 FM and online, and he serves as a volunteer firefighter. Peter is co-owner with Connie Leinbach of the Ocracoke Observer, the island's newspaper.
Shake off the long island winter with beginning ballroom dance lessons! Initial lessons will focus on a beginning slow waltz, and nightclub two step. You need not bring a partner. Courtesy of your Hyde County EMS Service and Ocracoke Alive.
Location has changed to Teresa Adam's Home, 50 Loop Road. Please contact her at 252-921-0053 (text or call) if you have trouble finding the location. This class does have limited capacity, Text David Tweedie to signup at 252-921-0260.