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Wednesday, January 15

6:00pm EST

Art ~ Found Object Fish Sculpture Workshop (Signup Required) LIMITED
Wednesday January 15, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Found Object Fish Workshop
Signup Required. Click Here
In this workshop we will create fish sculptures/ assemblages utilizing a variety of found objects.
Bottle caps, wire, tin, keys, and a wide variety of other materials will be provided. Participants are encouraged to bring small items from home to incorporate personal mementos into their artwork. Some ideas of things to bring to class are:

Keys...rusty ones are fine

Broken parts from games

Old brushes

Small discarded kitchen items

Broken necklaces, earrings, charms, tin boxes,

Participants are also encouraged to bring a hammer

Terry Rowell

Terry Rowell is a mixed media artist living in Kill Devil Hills NC. Best known for his carvings and assemblages made from found objects “My work seeks to find the beauty and whimsy in the discarded, abandoned and overlooked items which surround us”
Wednesday January 15, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Wednesday, January 22

6:00pm EST

Mardi Gras Mask Making (Session 1) ~ Kitty Mitchell (Signup Required) LIMITED
Wednesday January 22, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Mardi Gras! Carnevale! Glam, Steam Punk, Glitz!
From abstract to fantasy have some fun creating your mask with Kitty Mitchell from the Kitty Mitchell Studio.
Kitty Mitchell has sold her art for many years and taught art to all ages and abilities.
Signup Required. Click Here
Wednesday January 22, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Thursday, January 23

6:00pm EST

Mardi Gras Mask Making (Session 2) ~ Kitty Mitchell (Signup Required) LIMITED
Thursday January 23, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Mardi Gras! Carnevale! Glam, Steam Punk, Glitz!
From abstract to fantasy have some fun creating your mask with Kitty Mitchell from the Kitty Mitchell Studio.
Kitty Mitchell has sold her art for many years and taught art to all ages and abilities.
Signup Required. Click Here
Thursday January 23, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Tuesday, January 28

1:00pm EST

Escritura Creativa en Español ~ Un taller para escribir sus ideas y memorias LIMITED
Tuesday January 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Sumérgete en el mundo mágico de la creación de historias personales y poesía mientras descubres tu voz auténtica.
Explora la riqueza que hay en tu interior mientras escribes sobre lo que es importante para usted.
Transforma su historia en arte utilizando técnicas de escritura.
Bienvenidos a Todos!

Creo que todos tenemos una historia que contar. En este taller, le ayudaré a encontrar su estilo único de escritura y contenido. Los escritores suelen prosperar en entornos en los que pueden jugar con diferentes técnicas de escritura y compartir sus descubrimientos con otros escritores. En un entorno interactivo, lúdico y de apoyo, utilizaremos autores mentores para que nos enseñen a utilizar técnicas de escritura y nos inspiren mutuamente con nuestro juego de palabras.
Enfocamos en: 
• Generar ideas para nuestra escritura utilizando la técnica de jugar en caja de arena
• Usando un lenguaje hermoso (elección de palabras y fluidez de oración)
• Estudiar ejemplos de literatura y poesía bien escrita e inspiradora para técnicas de escritura
• Aprender sobre nosotros mismos, unos a otros y el mundo a través del proceso de escritura
Para Sarah Shellow, escribir es una conversación con el mundo. Sarah disfruta apoyando a escritores de todos los niveles encontrar y expresar sus voces usando un lenguaje hermoso y una narración convincente. Sarah escribe ficcíon, poesía, y memorias, incluyendo un libro sobre sus experiencias en Cuba y México. Su propio trabajo se basa en veinticinco años de enseñanza de escritura a estudiantes de primaria a nivel de posgrado. Recibió una Maestría en Educación de Bank Street College en la ciudad de Nueva York y una Maestría en Bellas Artes en Escritura Creativa de Goddard College en Vermont, y le encanta utilizar su experiencia como escritora y educadora para inspirar a personas de todas las edades a disfrutar del juego de palabras.

Sarah comenzó a estudiar el español cuando tenía 8 años. En la universidad, tuvo la oportunidad de pasar un verano estudiando literatura española y cultura mexicana en Querétaro y se enamoró de la forma en que los poetas se expresan en español. Este año, tuvo la oportunidad de enseñar una clase de escritura creativa en español en Cataluña, España, y está emocionada de ofrecer un taller similar aquí en Ocracoke para hablantes nativos de español.
Actualmente, imparte clases de escritura creativa en línea para adultos y trabaja con estudiantes de último año de secundaria en el desarrollo de sus ensayos personales para la solicitud de ingreso a la universidad (¡aquí en Ocracoke también!). Cree de todo corazón que todos pueden escribir cuando se les dan las herramientas necesarias y está emocionada de ofrecer clases de escritura creativa en la isla.
Tuesday January 28, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Thursday, February 6

1:00pm EST

Writing ~ Memoir for All: A Writer's Workshop Experience (Session 1)
Thursday February 6, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Memoir for All: A Writer’s Workshop Experience
with Sarah Shellow
Dive into the magical world of crafting personal stories while discovering your authentic voice. Explore the richness within as you write about what matters to you. Transform your unique narrative into art using writing techniques.

Welcome, Writers!
Everyone has a story to tell. In this workshop series, I will help you find your unique content and writing voice. Writers often thrive in environments where they can play with different writing techniques and share their discoveries with other writers. In an interactive, playful, and supportive setting, we will use mentor authors to teach us how to use craft techniques and inspire each other with our word play!

We will focus on: 

  • Generating ideas for our writing using the sandbox technique
  • Using compelling language (word choice and sentence fluency)
  • Studying well-written and inspiring literature and poetry for writing techniques
  • Trying out different writing styles and structures in our own writing
  • Learning about ourselves, each other, and the world through the writing process

About Sarah Shellow
For Sarah Shellow, writing is a conversation with the world. Sarah enjoys supporting writers of all levels find and express their voices using beautiful language and compelling storytelling. Sarah writes memoir, fiction, and poetry. Her own work is informed by twenty-five years of teaching writing to elementary through graduate-level students. She received a Master’s in Education from Bank Street College in New York City and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Goddard College in Vermont, and she loves using her background as both a writer and an educator to inspire people of all ages to enjoy word play.
Sarah’s writing appears in The Pitkin Review, Atticus Review, and on the poetry site, As it Ought to Be. A chapter of her memoir about Cuba is in the “Resistance” issue of Lumina literary magazine. Until a recent family obligation, she taught creative writing and literacy education courses at Stevenson University. She also developed creative writing programs for Holistic Life Foundation and Next One Up, mentorship nonprofits for students experiencing trauma in under-served communities in Baltimore City. Presently, she teaches creative writing classes online for adults and works with high school seniors developing their college application personal essays (here on Ocracoke, too!) She wholeheartedly believes everyone can write when given the tools, and she is excited to offer creative writing classes on the island.
Thursday February 6, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Thursday, February 13

1:00pm EST

Writing ~ Memoir for All: A Writer's Workshop Experience (Session 2)
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Memoir for All: A Writer’s Workshop Experience
with Sarah Shellow
Dive into the magical world of crafting personal stories while discovering your authentic voice. Explore the richness within as you write about what matters to you. Transform your unique narrative into art using writing techniques.

Welcome, Writers!
Everyone has a story to tell. In this workshop series, I will help you find your unique content and writing voice. Writers often thrive in environments where they can play with different writing techniques and share their discoveries with other writers. In an interactive, playful, and supportive setting, we will use mentor authors to teach us how to use craft techniques and inspire each other with our word play!

We will focus on: 

  • Generating ideas for our writing using the sandbox technique
  • Using compelling language (word choice and sentence fluency)
  • Studying well-written and inspiring literature and poetry for writing techniques
  • Trying out different writing styles and structures in our own writing
  • Learning about ourselves, each other, and the world through the writing process

About Sarah Shellow
For Sarah Shellow, writing is a conversation with the world. Sarah enjoys supporting writers of all levels find and express their voices using beautiful language and compelling storytelling. Sarah writes memoir, fiction, and poetry. Her own work is informed by twenty-five years of teaching writing to elementary through graduate-level students. She received a Master’s in Education from Bank Street College in New York City and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Goddard College in Vermont, and she loves using her background as both a writer and an educator to inspire people of all ages to enjoy word play.
Sarah’s writing appears in The Pitkin Review, Atticus Review, and on the poetry site, As it Ought to Be. A chapter of her memoir about Cuba is in the “Resistance” issue of Lumina literary magazine. Until a recent family obligation, she taught creative writing and literacy education courses at Stevenson University. She also developed creative writing programs for Holistic Life Foundation and Next One Up, mentorship nonprofits for students experiencing trauma in under-served communities in Baltimore City. Presently, she teaches creative writing classes online for adults and works with high school seniors developing their college application personal essays (here on Ocracoke, too!) She wholeheartedly believes everyone can write when given the tools, and she is excited to offer creative writing classes on the island.
Thursday February 13, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Thursday, February 20

1:00pm EST

Writing ~ Memoir for All: A Writer's Workshop Experience (Session 3)
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Memoir for All: A Writer’s Workshop Experience
with Sarah Shellow
Dive into the magical world of crafting personal stories while discovering your authentic voice. Explore the richness within as you write about what matters to you. Transform your unique narrative into art using writing techniques.

Welcome, Writers!
Everyone has a story to tell. In this workshop series, I will help you find your unique content and writing voice. Writers often thrive in environments where they can play with different writing techniques and share their discoveries with other writers. In an interactive, playful, and supportive setting, we will use mentor authors to teach us how to use craft techniques and inspire each other with our word play!

We will focus on: 

  • Generating ideas for our writing using the sandbox technique
  • Using compelling language (word choice and sentence fluency)
  • Studying well-written and inspiring literature and poetry for writing techniques
  • Trying out different writing styles and structures in our own writing
  • Learning about ourselves, each other, and the world through the writing process

About Sarah Shellow
For Sarah Shellow, writing is a conversation with the world. Sarah enjoys supporting writers of all levels find and express their voices using beautiful language and compelling storytelling. Sarah writes memoir, fiction, and poetry. Her own work is informed by twenty-five years of teaching writing to elementary through graduate-level students. She received a Master’s in Education from Bank Street College in New York City and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Goddard College in Vermont, and she loves using her background as both a writer and an educator to inspire people of all ages to enjoy word play.
Sarah’s writing appears in The Pitkin Review, Atticus Review, and on the poetry site, As it Ought to Be. A chapter of her memoir about Cuba is in the “Resistance” issue of Lumina literary magazine. Until a recent family obligation, she taught creative writing and literacy education courses at Stevenson University. She also developed creative writing programs for Holistic Life Foundation and Next One Up, mentorship nonprofits for students experiencing trauma in under-served communities in Baltimore City. Presently, she teaches creative writing classes online for adults and works with high school seniors developing their college application personal essays (here on Ocracoke, too!) She wholeheartedly believes everyone can write when given the tools, and she is excited to offer creative writing classes on the island.
Thursday February 20, 2025 1:00pm - 2:30pm EST
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Wednesday, March 12

6:00pm EDT

Art ~ Figure Drawing for the Masses ~ Session 1 (Signup Required)
Wednesday March 12, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Signup Required. Click Here
Have you mastered a good solid Stick Figure and are ready to level up your people-drawing skills? Are you terrified of drawing people? Do you like to have a good chuckle at yourself? Do you love drawing people and look for any opportunity to stare intently at interesting strangers? This is the place for you. We're going to joyfully explore the glorious human figure in all its sexy saggy baggy stretchy dynamism, with models both live-in-person and photographed.   We'll spend the day experimenting with contour line and gesture drawing, studying muscles and bones and human proportion. Bring any optional sketchbook and materials you'd like, class will provide everything you need ( paper, ink, markers, crayon, and charcoal).  Expect direct figure-drawing instruction, some group sharing, and a whole lot of art play time.
Cheers! Kim


Wednesday March 12, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960
Thursday, March 13

6:00pm EDT

Art ~ Figure Drawing for the Masses ~ Session 2 (Signup Required) LIMITED
Thursday March 13, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Signup Required. Click Here
Have you mastered a good solid Stick Figure and are ready to level up your people-drawing skills? Are you terrified of drawing people? Do you like to have a good chuckle at yourself? Do you love drawing people and look for any opportunity to stare intently at interesting strangers? This is the place for you. We're going to joyfully explore the glorious human figure in all its sexy saggy baggy stretchy dynamism, with models both live-in-person and photographed.   We'll spend the day experimenting with contour line and gesture drawing, studying muscles and bones and human proportion. Bring any optional sketchbook and materials you'd like, class will provide everything you need ( paper, ink, markers, crayon, and charcoal).  Expect direct figure-drawing instruction, some group sharing, and a whole lot of art play time.
Cheers! Kim


Thursday March 13, 2025 6:00pm - 8:00pm EDT
Ocracoke Alive's Deepwater Theater 84 School Road, Ocracoke, NC 27960

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